sábado, setembro 22, 2007

Portugal retoma o topo da Europa após 6 anos de avaliações

Portugal na 7ª edição, desde 2001, do BENCHMARKING THE SUPPLY OF ONLINE PUBLIC SERVICES, encomendado à Capgemini e publicado este mês, atingiu as posições mais elevadas de sempre do ranking dos países europeus:

3º lugar na Disponibilização de Serviços Online

4º lugar na Sofisticação técnica (Sobretudo para as Empresas)

Referências sobre Portugal:

‘Fast Movers’: Portugal has made major progress since 2006.
The “fully available online” indicator for Portugal has leapfrogged from 60% in 2006 to 90% this year, indicating a very marked improvement of transactional public service delivery since the 2006 measurement. Portugal now stands 3rd in this ranking.

The assessment of online sophistication of Portugal according to the new method shows an average of 90% which again is high score, far above the EU27+ average, putting Portugal 4th in the ranking. All of the business services attain 100%, while the citizen services stand at 84%.

Five out of the nine defined pro-active “stage 5” services attains the maximum score. Thus pro-active user-centric service delivery is developing well in Portugal.

Concerning user centricity, Portugal scores with 22% above the EU27+ average of 19%.

The national government portal, scores 88% (average EU27+ of 75%) and provides direct access to most of the public services. Usability and personalization of the sites is good

Neste relatório o Portal da Saúde e mais uma vez os Impostos foram as estrelas mais destacadas

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